Life has changed for everybody as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic – and for families with Huntington’s disease it means they are relying on SHA more than ever.
Your kindness can help protect the lifeline services relied upon by our families, including our nationwide network of HD Specialists across Scotland, our expert Financial Wellbeing team and our world-leading youth advisors supporting young carers.
Inspired by Rabbie Burns’ Auld Lang Syne and building on our strong Scottish grassroots, the Cup O’ Kindness appeal is led by our family members who are sharing their stories as a message of friendship and support to all families whose lives are impacted by Huntington's disease.
"Helen, David and I grew up in a loving family but so many of my memories are linked to this disease… Seeing family members suffer, and understanding that might also be your future, is a very difficult thing to deal with"
-Sandy Patience
"It’s not just about raising money, it’s about increasing awareness. Many people don’t know how severe Huntington’s disease is, and that the symptoms get worse and worse."
– Shelly Waterson
“I knew nothing about Huntington’s disease when we got together and we decided to get on with life in the hope that it would be a long time before any symptoms started.”
– Kenny and Lorraine Crichton
As the only charity in Scotland dedicated to people impacted by Huntington's disease and their loved ones, we urgently need your help to make sure no one is left to cope alone during this time of unprecedented crisis.
During this traditional season of giving, your donation – whatever you choose to give - will help Scottish Huntington’s Association to reach families and young people across Scotland every day with vital support.
Join the families leading this appeal by sharing your own #CupOKindness selfie on social media, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.. Take a photo of yourself raising a #CupOKindness for people with Huntington's disease, those at risk of inheriting the disease, and their loved ones.
Include the following text filling in the blanks to tell your friends and family who you’re raising a cup for and invite them to get involved too:
“I’m raising a #CupOKindness for _____________ and every family in Scotland who is impacted by Huntington’s disease. I’m doing this because _______________. Will you join me by raising a #CupOKindness too?
Visit to find more about how to support Cup O’ Kindness this Christmas.