Is our new campaign to increase our supporter base three-fold by 2020.

The ask is simple, just tell three friends about Huntington’s disease and the work of the Scottish Huntington’s Association who don’t know about the condition or the charity. Watch why we’re asking.

Please find a friend to fight HD and ask them to do something to help raise funds for our work. Last year just 750 people raised £250k. Imagine what we could do with three times the support. Just ask them to fill out their details on the sign up form. And don’t forget to let us know on social media what you are all doing through using #youandmeagainstHD.


Staccy's Story

29 year old Staccy was diagnosed with Huntington’s disease in 2011. My Huntington’s disease comes from my grandfather’s side of the family, who passed it on to my mum and then on to me.

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Lisa's Story

Lisa was diagnosed with Huntington’s disease when she was 30. I only found out I had HD five years ago. It runs in my dad’s family, but he was adopted, so there are no other cases of it in the wider family, so it came as a real shock.

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