scottish huntingtons association SHA support from scottish government

The consultation on the draft National Care Framework for HD is now open.

The Framework can be viewed in two formats: 1) Text only version and 2) Interactive online version.

It should be noted that it is not intended for the final Framework to be published in the text only format that has been used during the development phase. The approved text is to be slotted into the interactive online format to be viewed on a PC, laptop, phone or tablet. Not only will this make it easier for users to navigate to the information they require, but it will also ensure that the Framework is flexible and can evolve over time as and when evidence and/or health and social care services and structures change, to prevent it from becoming obsolete.

The text only version of the draft Framework can be viewed HERE

The interactive online version of the draft Framework can be viewed HERE

We would be extremely grateful for your feedback on the current text as outlined in these versions (the text is the same in both), and also the usability of the online version.

This can be provided by emailing or writing to the addresses provided at the bottom of this page. Alternatively a time can be arranged to provide comment over the phone, or at a face to face meeting.

It should also be noted that this is the proposed overarching National Care Framework, and will therefore not necessarily align with current experience in your own area. Once the overarching National Care Framework has been finalised work will commence on developing tailored localised Frameworks for each NHS Board area, which are to be in place by 2019.

Please direct all feedback, or questions, to the contact provided below by Friday 9 December. The Framework will be updated in light of this feedback before being run past the Development Group for final comment and publication in early 2017.

Alistair Haw
National Care Framework Lead
Scottish Huntington’s Association
Business First
Linwood Point
Mob: 07736 457247

Additional background on the partnership between the Scottish Huntington’s Association and the Scottish Government on this project can be found HERE.