The Financial Wellbeing Team collects detailed information about the range of issues, cases and outcomes that we support families with and we produce reports to capture this information on a quarterly and annual basis. Below we have detailed an explanation of what is contained in each report, and at the bottom of this page are all our latest reports. Please contact the Financial Wellbeing Team if you have any enquires about this data.

CFG Total to Date:

This lists the total Client Financial Gain the service has helped families with over the lifetime of the project (Ie February 2015 to present). This is the calculated amount the client is better off by as a result of advice or support by the service. For clients who receive a regular ongoing income, the calculation will include the amount they are better off by for one year following the gain.


Quarterly / Annual CFG

This lists the Client Financial Gain generated during the relevant quarter / year.


Quarterly / Annual New Client or Case

This lists the number of clients that are new to the service during the relevant quarter / year, as well as existing clients who have a new issue during that quarter / year.


Quarterly /Annual Non-Financial Outcome

This lists various non-financial outcomes that have been achieved for clients during the relevant quarter / year.


Quarterly / Annual New Cases by Matter & Issue

This lists all the new debt and welfare rights issues added as a new case during the relevant quarter / year. Please note that one client may have more than one issue, and that welfare rights issues are added for each specific benefit that we are advising/ supporting a client with.

For any client that we support with debt, a debt case will be opened the first time we support them. Subsequent debt issues will be recorded in the same case, therefore cases will only appear in these statistics the first quarter/year we support them on debt.


Quarterly / Annual Welfare Rights Cases– stage reached, issue & outcome

This combines several reports, and lists all the welfare rights cases that were active during that quarter / year (ie they may not have been opened that quarter, but they are ongoing cases). It lists the cases by issue type, the stage the case has reached, and the final outcome (if known). It also includes totals for each stage & a summary of final outcome totals. Note that where the report lists [not specified] or [no value] this is where a case has been opened but no final outcome as yet (eg the claim is still in process).


Quarterly / Annual New Debt Cases– By Debt Type & Balance

This includes details from all the new debt cases added during that quarter / year. It lists the number of different types of debts we are supporting those clients with and the current balance of the debts.


Debt Strategies discussed per quarter / annual

This includes information from any debt case (whether new or existing), where we have discussed strategies with that client during the relevant quarter / year. It lists the different viable strategies that have been discussed, the amount of times they have been discussed (ie the number of clients discussed with), and whether this strategy was chosen or not. Note that usually a number of viable strategies are discussed when we are advising clients on their debts, and sometimes more than one strategy is chosen (eg different strategies may be chosen for different debts). 

2nd Quarter





3rd Quarter

4th Quarter